dinsdag 14 februari 2012

Zizek and other Zymptoms

"Words are never ´only words´; they matter because they define the contours of what we can do." - S.Zizek

I am not so sure about all this. Off course I am feeling the temptation of starting a blog already for a long time but I do not perceive this temptation as being something different from the all too human and all too "postmodern" (I hate the word) need to express one`s thoughts and one´s opinion. Furthermore I also believe that a lot of what is said, should better not be said and that it is highly arrogant to believe that you are able to contribute even a little bit to the public debate. Nevertheless, since our network society allows there to be an 24/7 open and available space to spit out, shout out and contribute a lot of nonsense to a lot of nonsense, why not making use of it? Not that I want to deny that there is not a slight arrogance in my decision to take part in this ongoing discourse. It is fashionable to be critical, just like quoting Zizek is very fashionable. Those are all symptoms of our time. Thinking is cool. Cogito ergo hip. Let´s do this.

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